
Data Engineering Specialist


July 2023 - Present

Lead Developer for a proof-of-concept project that used Dialogflow CX (GCP). Created chat agents (bots) using Generative AI Studio that can fulfill requests that suits the businesses of the client.

Lead Developer & Team Lead for an ETL project involving Contact Center AI (CCAI, GCP). Designed and developed an ETL infrastructure that can handle text and audio transcripts at scale that moves data from BigQuery, into CCAI, and back to a BigQuery table that is connected to a dashboard.

Data Engineer

UN OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data

August 2021

Helped maintain and create data pipelines from different data sources, performing ETL and storing the data into a database. The process was facilitated by creating YAML files used by a proprietary python package.

Data Scientist

Allianz - PNB Life (Philippines)

December 2018 - March 2021

Spearheaded the development of data pipelines and Tableau dashboards. Data was sourced from an Oracle SQL database, into a Tableau dashboard that shows relevant metrics to stakeholders.

Helped the marketing department with their market research on a new, soon-to-be-released product by performing clustering analysis on customer data to find the closest analog product, and then using the historical data to find insights using visualization tools.

Data Scientist & Trainer

DataSeer (Philippines)

September 2017 - September 2018

Assisted in the development of Data Science and Visualization course materials. This includes data wrangling and cleaning datasets, performing Exploratory Data Analysis, using machine learning techniques to scope insights and predictions, and use proper visualizations for storytelling. Regularly taught these courses to businesses and individuals.

Created a dashboard (Python) that analyzed the feedback a trainer got from each training run. The dashboard included a random forest model to identify what feedback was important to whether a student recommends a training, and a TF-IDF on the comments for easier exploratory analysis of text-based data.

Created a data story from a social media phenomenon in the PH. Used Twitter API to collect tweets, and used Sentiment Analysis on the different tweets to create a scrolling visualization (d3).


Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)

Masters in Applied Mathematics, Specialization in Mathematical Finance

June 2011 - April 2012

Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)

Bachelor in Applied Mathematics, Specialization in Mathematical Finance

June 2007 - April 2011